

At Lyons Seafoods, we recognise that there are various social and environmental impacts associated with the production of our raw materials and we are fully committed to sourcing all our raw materials in the most responsible way. Read our Welfare Statement.

As a signatory of the Sustainable Seafood Coalition, Lyons Seafoods is committed to the responsible sourcing of all our seafood.

We passionately believe that responsible sourcing encompasses not only the sustainability of the target species but also includes the holistic intervention of issues on the wider ecosystem, habitats and communities of people who depend on the source for subsistence and livelihood.

We have developed our Shellfish Code of Practice in line with the AIPCE-CEP Principles for Environmentally Responsible Fish Sourcing& Code of practice BSI PAS 1550. Exercising due diligence in establishing the legal origin of seafood products and marine ingredients  importing and processing.

We choose to work with suppliers who share our values, who are prepared to commit to our sourcing and codes of practice and who will strive to build long term partnerships with us to tackle these issues.



We are conscious of the responsibility we share with our suppliers and customers for the welfare and safety of workers who produce the goods we buy, manufacture and sell. We are committed to ensuring that all workers involved in our supply chains are treated fairly and that all our products are sourced and produced under a set of socially equitable criteria. 

As a minimum, we expect all our suppliers to meet the requirements set out in the ETI Base Code.

We are committed to acting with integrity and transparency in all our business dealings and to putting effective systems and controls in place to safeguard against any forms of bribery, corruption and modern slavery in our business and supply chains.


INDUSTRY LEADERSHIP - Our proven success

2008 - First UK manufacturer to launch Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified cold water Prawns into the UK retail market

2011 Member of the Sustainable Seafood Coalition

2014 “Strategic partner of ISSARA Institute

2014 Launch & Chair of the Seafood Ethics Common Language Group with Seafish 

2016 - Joining Project UK & first seafood processor member of FNET (Food Network for Ethical Trade)

2017 Winner of the Co-op Sustainable Seafood Champion of the Year award

2017  Joined the MarinTrust Governing Body Committee

2018 - Joined the Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability (GDST)

2020 Joining of the Earthworm Ecuadorian Shrimp Working Group

2021 Sponsorship of an award-winning animal welfare PHD in shrimp aquaculture

2022  First manufacturer to supply cold water prawns from a RFVS Certified vessel 

2022 - Sponsors of the first Global Shrimp Forum

2024 - 100% of our warm water prawns are produced from non ablated broodstock



We are an industry leader in supporting best practice at source through third party certification. We are actively engaged in the positive evolution of these standards and systems.

100% of our warm water Prawns are responsibly sourced and third party certified to an aquaculture assurance programme

100% of our cold water Prawns are responsibly sourced to an environmental third-party standard.

We are proud that our raw materials are sourced in line with leading independent standards. Where certification is not yet possible, we commit to and support fishery & aquaculture improvement programmes such as:

Project UK

Global Squid Supply Chain Roundtable

MarinTrust Improver Programme



Animal Feed is paramount to maintain and guarantee the quality of our raw materials. Providing animals with adequate, balanced diets is essential to protect their health and welfare. We recognise that there are various social and environmental impacts associated with the production of animal feed. As a major player in the food industry, we are committed to ensuring high quality standards for our raw materials sourcing and improving practices throughout the whole value chain.

Our suppliers must therefore demonstrate that they are having a positive effect on sustainability when sourcing key raw materials such as; fish meal, fish oil and soya. We actively advocate the research and development of innovative feed ingredients and have recently become signatories of the UK & French Soy Manifesto; furthering our commitment to ensure that 100% of soy used in our supply chains is zero deforestation by 2025.

We continue to map our feed supply chains and work collaboratively with industry stakeholders to address sustainability challenges.



In order to strengthen our relationship with all our partners, we promote an ongoing two-way conversation and welcome innovative project proposals. We believe that rewarding, enduring partnerships are built around mutual respect and openness. Our belief is that real progress can be made together as part of a responsible partnership. 

Here are some of our collaborative partnership initiatives:



From sea to served

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